More than just career coaches,
we strategize with you on your career journey
You’ve likely heard the term “career coaching” thrown around quite a bit during your job search. Maybe you’ve considered hiring a career coach to drive not only results but also spark accountability. Many of our loyal clients at EBR consider us for all their career coaching needs, and we are thankful for that. But we don’t feel like that moniker tells the entire story.
What we actually are is career transition strategists. A career coach is someone who will offer solutions and empower you to make informed decisions about your career trajectory. A career transition strategist goes beyond career coaching by walking you through the entire journey rather than push a process. Our goal is not only to help you find the right career — we want you to become a better version of yourself. The advice you receive should be personalized to your situation.
- Make the job search less confusing and stressful
- Ask you why you want to change jobs and what you’re looking for
- Make sure you’re applying for the positions you are qualified for
- Shorten the amount of time you search before landing the right position
- Help you determine what the right fit means to you (What are you good at? What do you enjoy?)
- Teach you how to interview so that you find the right fit
- Improve your confidence through the process by providing the right advice for your situation
- Guide you through negotiating a salary
As your career transition strategist, we talk to you about the things you can do to be successful in your job search. We also tell you what you need to stop or avoid doing. Good coaches are honest and direct. If you are not qualified for a position you want to apply for, they’ll tell you, tell you why, and work with you to determine the qualifications you need.
Marketing yourself
Online Presence and Job Search — One of our primary goals as career transition mentors is to educate our clients on the importance of creating a consistent message online so that there is no confusion when recruiters find you. This includes doing deep-dive assessments of everything from your LinkedIn profile and what connections you are making to creating an elevator pitch, online portfolio, and reviewing your social media presence as a whole.
Offline Job Search — The offline job search is a fancy term for networking, and if you’re not doing it, you could be missing out on some of the best jobs out there. It’s all about who you know these days. Networking consistently and getting involved in various professional organizations, Chambers of Commerce, and job seeker groups will help you develop relationships with key players in your industry. This will help them get to know you on both a personal and professional level. EBR's career transition strategists will help you unlock your potential offline.
Military Transition
At EBR, we believe we can help anyone take control of their job search. That includes our hard-working brothers and sisters in the Armed Forces. Military members who are looking for their first civilian job often don’t know how to transition their list of military skills into corporate skills that resonate with hiring managers. If you are one of these people, we have team members who have lived in that world and are eager to help you craft a narrative that will land you your next job offer.
It’s all about telling the right story and helping our friends in the military is a big part of what we do.
Take control of your job search!
Call our Career Transition strategists today!
It takes teamwork to get the most out of your career search while also putting you in the best possible position to succeed. At EBR, there are no cookie-cutter solutions – just honest, practical, and customized advice that will make you stand out from the crowd. Give our team of career transition strategists a call today.